With the development of economy and an increasing perspicuity of property right system, property-liability insurance in China has had some growth,but the proportion between its premium and personal insurance premium has hovered around 1:3 in recent years.
The Implicit Teaching of Locke’s Property Theory——Interpretation on the Fifth Chapter of Locke’s Second Treatise of Government;
On Creating Condition to Make More People Owning Property Income;
The Opinion of " Property Less Means Personality Less" Be Humanism or Materialism?;
This thesis makes an analysis on the irrationality of the state compensation principles,and also points out that the reasonable compensation scope should not only include direct property damage but also indirect property damage and mental injury,even state punishment.
Analysis of Prescribing Property Loss and Casualty Appositionally or Respectively in Criminal Law:Advantages and Disadvantages;
The direct and indirect property loss of pool fire is analyzed.
A large amount of data on the total amount of fires,the life loss and direct property loss reflect the fire status of the recent 20 years.
从分析 2 0 0 2年我国火灾形势着手 ,联系近 2 0年我国火灾形势发展过程中的火灾起数、火灾中人员死亡和直接财产损失等大量数据 ,结合一些工业发达国家在其经济上升期的火灾态势的变化特点进行分析 ,提出了要从火灾发生、发展具有双重特性的观点来看待我国在经济上升期的若干年内将出现火灾多发、上升的趋势 ;提出在这一时期特别要加大消防基础建设的投入 ,特别要加强消防重点单位的防范 ,减少群死群伤重大恶性火灾事故发生 ,以及坚持全民消防科普教育及改革火灾统计及分析方法的建议。
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