A Simple Analysis on the Complementary Norm in Blank Penal Code and Its Retroactivity;
The time limit of legislative explanation of criminal law includes the effective date,revocation date,and retroactivity.
According to our Contract Law, the system of cancellation of contract can be classified into two categories, namely, cancellation by agreement or through exercising right of cancellation, which leads to cross conflicts between termination of contract and cancellation of contract, resulting in logical contradictions in the retroactivity of cancellation of contract.
It is a complicated issue whether the jurisdiction of international tribunals has a retroactive effect.
国际裁判法庭的管辖权是否具有溯及力 ,是个复杂的问题。
The new criminal law of The People s Republic of China adopts the principle “in accordance with the old and light law” in the question of retroactive effect, and this is the important exhibition of the development of our criminal law in the direction of science and democratization.
The Change of Criminal Norms and Its Retroaction
Namely,this provision affirms retroaction of limitations of prosecution.
Theoretically there are two viewpoints about retroaction and matter adjudged of criminal law: principle of mutuality and principle of separation.
The paper presents a thorough review of the viewpoints on retroactivity of laws from various theoretical schools in history,and points out,based on a series of reflections of these viewpoints,that a question of value orientation exists behind the issue of retroactivity of laws.
The retroactive force of law is divided into Protective force and binding force of retroaction.
A subsequent ratification, which has a retrospective effect, is equivalent to a prior command.
Several questions on the tracing back force in the judical explanation of criminal law;
There is a common value aim between retroactive effect of criminal law and criminal adjudged force, so retroactive effect of criminal law in China should extend to effective judgment.
A Simple Analysis on the Complementary Norm in Blank Penal Code and Its Retroactivity;
On the Change of Complementary Norm of Blank Penal Code and Its Retroaction;
Legal Review of the Retroactivity of No.14 Article of Labor Contract Law of PRC;
Positive Analysis About Legal Retroaction;
On the Regulation of the Judicial Interpretation in the Contract Law to the Problems of an Issue of Retroaction;
Several Issues on the Retroactivity of Laws--About the Argument,Practice,Reflection and Advocation on Non-retroactivity;
This invalidation shall not have retroactive effect, unless otherwise provided for in the laws of the Region.
Such a ratification relates back and supplies the original authority to perform the act.
On the Retroactive Effect of the New Criminal Law of The People s Republic of China;
Study On The Retroaction Principles of Modern Criminal Law--Theoretical Reconstruction To Article 12 of New Criminal Law;
On the Retroactive Effect Legally Revoked in Insurance Contracts--Concurrently Discussing the Amendment of 09 Insurance Law
Unless it is otherwise provided in the law, legislations and law amendments that come after the Agreement shall not be retrocative to the Agreement.
(of laws,payments,etc)applying to the past as well as the future;retroactive
Origin of Leadership Theory and Study Direction of Entrepreneurial Leadership;
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