5 leaf period,original field tillering stage and neat spike period.
Furthermore,this paper analyzes the problems in the implementation of the third party logistics in Dongfeng Honda Automobile Co.
Fault Diagnosis and Maintenance of Cruising System on HONDA CR-V;
ABS Fault Diagnosis of HONDA CR-V;
Fault Diagnosis of Air Bag System on HONDA CR-V;
With several years high-yield cultivation experiments on the high-quality super rice Songjing 9,we summarized some main technology to reach the high yield of 700kg/667m~2 for Songjing 9 during the seed preparation,sowing,seedbed management,transplanting in optimum period,water management,and fertilization.
经过对优质超级稻品种松粳9号几年的高产栽培试验研究,通过种子准备、播种及苗床管 理、移栽适期、水分管理、本田施肥等方面的具体要求,阐明了松粳9号水稻品种单产700 kg/ 667m~2的技术要求,为松粳9号超级稻品种在生产上的进一步推广提供了可靠依据。
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