On the contrary, the thesis takes the inherent property interest as the standard and scopes of damaging compensation in the misfeasance responsibility in contracting.
已有的缔约过失责任理论关于损害赔偿标准一直沿用“信赖利益”这一概念 ,本文通过分析论证 ,抛弃“信赖利益”这个在理论上引起混乱的概念 ,以固有财产利益作为缔约过失责任损害赔偿的标准和范围。
It includes the life existence right and the valuable property right of life.
The crime of contract fraud ,which is a new charge in the current Criminal Law in China, has been playing an important role in protecting the dealing order of socialist market and the property right of litigants, and in fighting this kind of crime since its establishment.
W.B.S. [without benefit to/of salvage]
Article71" Property ownership" means the owner's rights to lawfully possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of his property.
"Property ownership"means the owner's rights to lawfully possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of his property."
The reward shall not exceed the value of the ship and other property salved.
" a person to whom the clearing house disposes of the property in accordance with its rules takes free from that interest, right or remedy."
property which the owner holds in freehold
The exercise or enjoyment of a right or property.
--- Criminals enjoy certain civil rights, including property and inheritance rights.
-- Women enjoy equal property rights with men.
equal right to property
Women enjoy equal property rights with men.
Enjoyment of property, as by occupying or exercising it.
the interest in property owned by tenants whereby each tenant has an equal right to enjoy the entire property.
Consumers enjoy the right to receive compensation in accordance with the law for personal and property damages incurred as a result of the purchase and use of commodities or receipt of service .
A contingent asset is not recognised in the financial statements But disclosed when an inflow of economic benefits is probable.
Ownership of property indicates that a person has legal rights over that property.
therefore, he had a protected property interest.
Article29. In joint property relationship derived from marriage or family, the rights and interests enjoyed by women according to law may not be infringed upon.
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