The form,theoretic foundation and the corresponding relationship of distribution are different from the distribution of value,therefore the distribution form and distribution relationship of value are not equal to those of product.
The dividends on labor is a distribution form that is in the light of production contribution to economy; and it is a distribution system, in which profits in proportion and superprofits can be distributed to laborers, after laborers being paid in their enterprise.
劳动分红是依据劳动要素对经济的贡献来决定的分配形式 ,是企业在向劳动者支付了工资之后 ,再将一定比例的利润或超额利润向劳动者进行分配的制度。
The author analyses the enterprise system of “Knowledge is fundamental” in knowledge society and sets forth the concepts of “tangible value”and“non-tangible value”-fractionize the traditional capital elements and the laboring elements, separate knowledge capital and knowledge laboring, which are endowed with relevant distribution forms.
分析了知识社会的“以知为本”的企业机制 ,提出了“有形价值”和“无形价值”的概念 ,对传统的资本要素和劳动要素进行细分 ,分离出知识资本和知识劳动 ,并赋予其相应的分配形式 ,阐述了“以知为本”的企业如何建立股权动态分配和职权动态分配机制的问题 ,论述了“按知分配”的必然性、可行性和优越
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