This essay gave the qualitative & quantitative analysis of the controllability of the basic currency and the monetary multiplier with the true economical data and the status i.
The supply of monetary base is passive,so the increase of monetary base and the elevation of the money multiplier caused the growth of money supply.
Based on the brief distinction and comparison with endogenous and exogenous money supply, this article makes an empirical study about the characteristic of endogenous money supply in China, and proves the characteristic from monetary base, money multiplier, providing a reasonable explanation to the in.
本文在区分货币供给内生性与外生性的框架下 ,从基础货币和货币乘数角度对我国货币供给的性质进行了实证分析 ,论证了现阶段我国货币供给的内生性特征 ,为近年来我国货币政策中介目标——货币供应量控制实践所表现出的无效性提供了一个解释 ,最后为我国现阶段选择货币政策中介目标提供了一种思路。
In this paper, we quantitatively analyzed the Chinese monetary base and its determining system, and presented the empirical results with the monthly data from 1985 to 1997 of the Chinese monetary data.
Normative Researches of Base Money Issuance Mechanism
Starting with this and the operational characteristics of modern finance,we can easily draw the conclusion that the gap is in essence and quantity base money issued.
The Relationship Between Money Base,Monetary Multiplier and Central Bank s Balance Sheet;
The increase of foreign exchange reserve results in the augment of money base because foreign exchange reserve is one of assets in the Balance Sheet of Monetary Authority and its augment can lead to volatility of other assets or liabilities items in the sheet.
So to strengthen the ability of central bank controlling the basic money we should carry out the reform from macro-economy circumstance to all kinds of matched systems.
Finally, the central bank has just to issue basic money to bear the financial risks.
本文实证分析结果表明 :国有企业通过银行负债将风险集中到了金融部门 ,商业银行又通过央行负债将风险转嫁给了央行 ,而央行只能通过基础货币的发行暂时将风险隐蔽积累起来 ,使我国金融风险表现出明显的隐蔽性、积累性和转嫁性 ,并与通货膨胀高度相
This article is studying on the influence of the unbalance of China s BOP (Balanceof Payment) to the basic money.
and second, convertibility between the monetary base and the reserve currency at the fixed exchange rate (i.e. $7.80 = US$1).
It contracts when the foreign currency is bought from the currency board (outflow from Hong Kong dollars).
It contracts when the foreign currency is bought from the currency board (outflow from the Hong Kong dollar).
The Study of Adjusted Basic Money s Influence on Monetary Multiplier;
Monetary Base, Credit and Output: the Empirical Analysis of Monetary Policies in China;
What is the Relationship between Interest Rate and Money Supply when Base Money is Passively Released
Stability of RMB Monetary Value:Foundation of RMB to Be the Dominant Regional Currency
Try to reveal endogenous of money supply from various input channel of base money.
The banking sector is fundamentally sound and the currency stable.
An Analysis of the Value Basement of Currency: the Theory of the Production of Force Parity
Analysis of Money Union of the Motive Foundation and Cost Return;
Basic Money Supply in the View of the Endogenous Financial Theory;
Research on the Effectiveness of Monetary of China
A Study on Economic Foundations and Core Leadership of the Monetary Cooperation in East Asia;
The Analysis on Microbase of Monetary Policy in China Transmission Mechanism;
An Empirical Analysis on the Impact of China s Funds Outstanding for Foreign Exchange upon Base Money;
Theoretical Basis and Application Analysis of Accounting Standards for Change of Nonmoneytary Assets;
Empirical Research on the Impact of Foreign Exchange Reserve on the Money Base in China;
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