This paper looks into the original and extended meaning of “jie(节)”,and analyzes the connection of the three characters : “jie(节)”,“jie(卩)”and“ji(即)”,thus thinks that the former semantic system of “jie(节)”has some problems.
Research and application of mine plug and play network sensor;
Design and application of plug and play technology in microwave measurement instrument;
Method to set plug and play diskless workstation;
Based on Equivalent Liquid Surface Descending Method(ELSDM)and Isolated Melting Zone Method,a multi hot spot and simultaneous shrinkage feeding method was established to predict the shrinkage cavities of steel casting during solidification simulation.
本文在等效液面收缩法和孤立域法基础上建立了预测铸钢件缩孔的新方法———多热节和即缩即补方法 ,该法实现了对模拟铸件各热节的内部动态瞬时补缩 ,并采用该方法对两个实际铸钢件进行了缩孔分析。
PnP Supported CNC System;
The PnP device driver based on PCI is designed in the end.
Thus, this paper introduces an easy, efficient NAT based way to make a PnP-able network by means of ARP disguise and NAT extension.
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