In this paper, the authors discuss the improvement of PIT in mode of tax system, expense deduction, unit to be collected and so on.
In relation to some aspects,such as the examination on the land data about different time,the differences between taxation units and cultivated land data as well as the definition of saturation point on cultivated land area,the article explores that the taxation units during particular period in Huizhou can reflect the real land area,based on which it revalues the cultivated land.
本文拟以土地数据考释为中心 ,把有关徽州地区历史赋税资料与现代统计资料数据结合起来进行研究 ,从而就载籍时间断面数据的考查、纳税单位与耕地数据的区分、耕地面积“峰值期”的确定等几方面来探讨徽州特定时期的纳税单位能够反映“真实”的耕地面积 ,并以此为基点对嘉道时期的耕地面积进行再估计。
Development of standards for growth hormone and its measuring unit
Thus,"copy" and "book" could be used as the basic measuring unit.
An analysis of land data of the Huizhou area in the Ming and Qing Dynasties;
They shall not be altered by other organizations or taxpayers without authorization.
Entities or individuals which are obligated to pay tax in accordance with the law or the administrative regulations are the taxpayers.
The tax payable for Resource Tax shall be computed in accordance with the assessable volume of the taxable products and the prescribed unit tax amount.
Income tax payable according to this Law shall be computed in terms of Renminbi (RMB).
Attention problems on handing in enterprise income tax in the institution;
The tax payable computed under the amount on volume method = Sales volume x Tax amount per unit.
For sales of goods on a consignment to other taxpayers, it shall be the date on which the detailed account of consignment sales are received from the consignee;
For taxable consumer goods Whose tax payable shall be calculated according to the amount on volume method, the conversion standard of the measurement units shall be as follows:
English Church: From Dual Taxation to Single Taxation
A tax payment guarantee property inventory shall only be deemed to be valid after the taxpayer and taxation authority have signed it and affixed their seals.
The Personal Income Tax and Wages Obtained Should Take the Family as the Tax Payment Unit;
monetary unit in Botswana.
Every inhabitant here has an obligation to pay taxes.
B: Since the Resource Tax is computed on the basis of quantity and tax-per-unit, would the computation equation be Tax payable= Assessable volume of taxable products× Applicable tax amount per unit?
Family Tax-Another Choice for Our Individual Income Tax;
Tax payers have the right to claim for returning the submitted “Detailed Booking Document List” from tax authorities.
” Mum handles the tax returns while Dad fixes the car.
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