The author also want to arose high attention of craft brother to prevent false data of test,and consummate all kinds of quality control system in engineering management.
This paper,according to the two basic ways of "getting results from causes"and "reckoning causes from results",classifies motivations into the real motivation and the presumed motivation,and their respective sub-kinds,and also discusses the methods of checking and correcting motivations.
本文依据“由因得果”和“由果推因”两种基本途径 ,将语词理据分为真实理据和假定理据两大类及其各自的小类 ,同时还讨论了考证理据和纠正理据的方法和路径。
An Analysis on the Phenomenon of Making False GDP Figures with Game Theory;
doctor the evidence, the accounts, a report
伪造证据、 窜改帐目、 作假报告.
The system can output various CAD interfaces, and provide data for individually matching artificial limb design and manufacture.
No leading members of local authorities, departments or units may compel or prompt statistics institutions or statisticians to tamper with or fabricate statistical data.
Technology Change, Demand for Skill and Employment Structure: An Empirical Test on the Skill-biased Technology Change Hypothesis Based on Micro-data of Manufacturing Sector;
...she concocted her story and faked evidence of physical abuse...that she misled investigators at every turn.
Why trouble to do a risky thing like falsifying figures?
For example, imagine two data values stored in main memory.
The data and estimates needed for the computation of the annual depreciation expense are...
The boolean data type is used to specify a true or false value.
Study on Holiday Tourism Data Mining and Flux Model;
Such violations of the law as forging invoices and vouchers and falsifying accounts must be dealt with severely.
I constructed this weapon using data from a series of test fires.
我根据一系列测验数据 造了这个家伙
use forged, altered, or invalid negotiable instruments or other false certificates of property rights as guaranties
Reference points may be implicit, assuming the users have common understanding.
The Investigation Based on the Data Collection of Mobile Handhold Equipments and the Counterfeit Identification (Mobile Counterfeit-strike);
Now pretend you have the data schema as your starting point.
Now you need to populate the tables with some dummy data.
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