As a scientific accounting method, the double entry bookkeeping has been used by enterprises in our country for ten years.
With the development of the market economy in both urban and rural areas in the Ming-Qing period, private pawn and loan activities were booming.
This article discusses the changes of networks in rural loan,and considers that the social support of kindred in networks is less important than before,but the other villagers in the policy loan became the core,what else,the private loan in rural also palys an important role.
The interest rate of business loan affects the market of commercial loans directly.
The Debit and Credit Activities of Rural Cooperatives in North China in the 1920-1930s;
The passage enriches and improves the content concerned about the theory of debit and credit bookkeeping method by deeply analysing,the theory of debit and credit bookkeeping method.
It boosted agricultural production more or less,al-tered the pattern of debit and credit in rural area,facilitated the transformation of thoughts of peasants an.
In the thesis features of several basic types of debit and credit between companies are introduced.
Considering a class of proportional reinsurance model with dividend process and borrowing process, we modify the cost function in order to extending it s application.
On the basis of a proportional reinsurance model with dividend process, we introduce a borrowing process into the state process, making up a new one that includes two processes.
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