The author expounded the construction scale and main function of BMPDP, probed into that the project owner should be built manager responsibility system leaded by board of directors.
阐述了百色水利枢纽工程的建设规模与主要功能 ;以改革发展的精神探索了建设单位要符合市场经济要求的法人治理结构 ,即董事会领导下的经理负责制 ;为促进工程建设 ,保证枢纽工程 2 0 0 5年发电的目标 ,全方位落实项目法人责任制 ;为加强基础管理工作 ,建立和健全了各项规章制度和管理体系 ;回顾了公司重组以来工程建设进展的初步成就与展
The project manager responsibility system which is an important result in modern management science has been degenerated into project manager contract system in most of construction enterprises in China.
Practice the system of the director-general responsibility under the leadership of the Board of directors (BOD)
The Establishment of Building Group Based on Responsibility of Project Manager;
Degeneration, Risk and Regression of Project Manager Responsibility System
Practice of course clusters by professional manager
Management and organization under the management system of course cluster teaching
The manager is responsible for establishing the polices and procedures of operation for the hotel and for seeing that they are carried out.
The General Manager is responsible for the administration of the Company, and will lead the company strictly and by law under the guidance of the>.
General Manager is responsible for the preparing of Quality Policy and approval of quality objective.
The factory director (manager) responsibility system
The manager in charge of the work is very conscientious.
A hotel manager is a business executive.
Talking about the Functions of the Project Responsibility System in the Operation Management of the Company;
The Premier has overall responsibility for the State Council.
Managers cannot hide and not accountable for their responsibility.
The implementation of the factory director responsibility system, according to newspapers, is to further guarantee the director's overall responsibility in the production, management and the administration of an enterprise.
In addition, I have worked as a production manager for the Modern Societies magazine, where I was responsible for overseeing the production of the weekly feature "Eye on Life".
Moving up the organization chart, we find those division managers in charge of both plants managers and district sales managers have responsibility for profits.
The vice president of marketing has handed in his letter of resignation.
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