Through the measurement analysis between the relatedness of agricultural capital construction investment fluctuation and the agricultural GDP undulation of Anhui Province, it indicates that the agricultural capital construction investment fluctuation has negative effect on agricultural production.
"Value-added Agriculture"Model of Development:Foreign Experience and Inspiration
According to statistical data of the past 30 years,this paper analyses and describes the overall trend of agricultural development and thinks that the trend of GDP of farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery(GDP of primary industry) has been went up year by year.
Influence of Value Chain Specialization on Industrial Added Value of China——Based on the Panel Data Analysis of 1998-2005;
价值链分工对我国制造业工业增加值的影响——基于1998~2005年Panel Data的分析
Question and countermeasure existing in the calculation of industrial added value of small and medium-sized enterprises;
The carriage of goods by road price and highway freight traffic are choosen to be the indicators of carriage of goods by road industry,the food retail prices, retail prices of daily necessities, fuel retail prices, total retail sales of social consumption and industrial added value are choosen to be the indicators of national economy.
A Study on the Statistical Methods of Forestry Value-added;
Applying relevant state statistical reaulations, the article dwells upon the business accounting methods of industrial value added and the issues which should be emphasized.
the agricultural added value increased by 4.5 times, with an average annual growth rate of 3.3 percent;
In the State-designated poor counties, the agricultural added value increased by 54 percent, showing an annual growth of 7.5 percent;
Study on Accounting and Application of the Value-Added in the Agricultural Industrialization Operation;
value-added in agriculture, mining and manufacturing
Total industrial output value increased by8.7per cent.
their industrial added value grew by 99.3 percent, with an average annual growth rate of 12.2 percent;
The value-added of the secondary industry was 3,915.0 billion Yuan, up by 9.2 percent, and that of the tertiary industry was 2,610.4 billion Yuan, up by 7.6 percent.
An Analysis on the Economic Effect of Government Expenditure for Supporting Agriculture on the Value Added of the Primary Industry:1952-2006;
The Empirical Study on the Relationship between the Capital Structure and Economic Value Added of the Agricultural Listed Companies
The added value of township enterprises now makes up nearly one-third of the GDP and two-thirds of the gross rural output value.
Raising Agricultural Production and Profit in Guangxi by Accelerating the Transformation of Agricultural Science and Technology Achievements
加速农业科技成果转化 促进广西农业增产增收
II. Accelerating the Development of Agriculture and the Rural Economy and Increasing the Incomes of Farmers
Accelerating the development of agriculture and the rural economy and increasing the income of farmers;
The value-added of the tertiary industry was 3,453.3 billion yuan, up by 7.3 percent.
The value-added of the secondary industry was 5,298.2 billion yuan, up by 9.9 percent.
The value-added of the primary industry was 1,488.3 billion yuan, up by 2.9 percent.
Of this total, the value-added of the primary industry was 1,429.9 billion Yuan, up by 3.5 percent.
The newly added industrial value will be RMB 84 billion yuan,a 14% rise;
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