While the scope of arresting ships stands out in the system of arrest of ships.
Legal and practical solutions of arrest of ships in various jurisdictions;
In the academic circle of maritime law, Arrest of ships and Foreign-related maritime jurisdiction are both extensive researched issues, and each of these areas has achieved fruitful research results.
Comparative study of China and South Africa s legal system of arrest of ship——Also discussing countermeasures of Chinese state-owned ship enterprises when their ships are arrested in South Africa;
A Study on the Arrest of Ship in Admiralty Action in Rem in England and the United States;
The arrest of ships is already adopted by most of countries in the world as an important procedure resolving maritime disputes; however, there are considerable differences about arrest of ships between the common law system and civil law system.
船舶扣押是处理海事争议中重要的法律制度,大陆法系与英美法系对待扣船有不同的态度,1952年《统一海船扣押某些规定的国际公约》(International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to the Arrest of Sea-going Ships)(以下简称1952年《扣船公约》)和1999年《国际扣押船舶公约》(The International Convention on Arrest of Ships 1999)(以下简称1999年《扣船公约》)是两大法系妥协的产物,使两大法系在船舶扣押上的分歧逐渐缩小。
The paper makes a comparative study of the maritime claim, the exercise of right of arrest, the security of the value of the ship and the jurisdiction between 1999 International Convention on Arrest of Ship and the legal system of arrest of ship in China, and raises some suggestions on the improvement of legislation and execution on arrest of ship in China.
本文拟就 99年国际扣船公约与我国现有的扣船制度在海事请求范围、可供扣押船舶范围、船舶担保制度和扣船管辖等方面进行比较研究 ,并提出可供我国的扣船立法和司法借鉴改善之处。
Legal System of Ship ArrestBelgium
A Study on the Arrest of Ship in Admiralty Action in Rem in England and the United States
Comparative study of China and South Africa s legal system of arrest of ship--Also discussing countermeasures of Chinese state-owned ship enterprises when their ships are arrested in South Africa;
On Action in Rem and Law of Ship Arrest in China;
Arrest of Ship Owned by the Carrier
Jurisdiction of Ship Arrest Action
Notice of Ship Auction
The Application of Floating Charge in Marine Finance;
On the Improvement of Ship Mortgage Registration under the Effect of Property Law;
After the delivery of the ship is finished, the maritime court shall issue an order releasing the arrest of the ship.
No ship engaging in military or government duties may be arrested.
Independence and procedural guarantee of ship-arrest procedure;
A legal paper relating to the arrest of a ship may also be served on the captain of the ship involved.
Article28 A maritime lien shall be enforced by the court by arresting the ship that gave rise to the said maritime lien.
The maritime court arrested the particular ship has exclusive jurisdiction on the acknowledgement and enforcement of maritime liens.
Historical Background of the Brussels Convention on Arrest of Ship
Study on the Associated Ship Arrest Laws in South Africa and Avoiding Risks for Shipowners;
On the improvement of Legislation of Ship Mortgage System
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