An obligation of record that is entered into before a court or magistrate, containing a condition to perform a particular act, such as making a court appearance.
A deposition. Please pay attention to the provision of nationality certification.
Wing effect: The result of out-of-square guillotining of a book: when the book is opened the edges look like a pair of butterfly wings rather than being parallel along the tops and bottoms.
I scraped up an acquaintance with the secretary and got him to propose me for membership of the club.
Mitchell has set up in business as a bookseller.
The Survey of Some Different Fanqie(反切) from the Series of Qieyun(切韵);
Books, archives, antiques, valuables, bullion, foreign currencies and all properties and assets which have been removed or concealed shall be frozen at once wherever they are found, pending their take-over.
The Analects of confucius and Abacus is a famous book to which the well-known Japanese entrepreneur,Shibuzawa Aechi devoted his life experience.
a dull knife used to cut open the envelopes in which letters are mailed or to slit uncut pages of books.
Instrumentum ad matrimonium
(of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit.
Flush cover: A cover trimmed flush with the pages of the text of the book.
Cut flush: Binding style with the cover cut flush with the pages.
Gilt in the square: The foredge of a book gilded before rounding.
On the Disparment and Combinableness of The Ge in the Series Books of Qieyun --The Comparison of the Fanqie about The Ge;
Clincal observation of trabeculectomy without conjunctival incision
All your strength is in your union, All your danger is in discord.
On the Structural Features of Chongniu(重纽) Used in Hui Lin Yiqiejing Yinyi(《一切经音义》);
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