Optimum design of the work device of QCL03 clearing machine;
Studies in pressure loss of pneumatic dressing system for combine harvester;
Through adopting some specific measures, included working up several management system for material supply, same account as material, and scientific organization and arrangement, etc, the material department of Jigang has a clear resources in the work of making an inventory of warehouses.
济钢材料处在清仓利库工作中 ,改进工作流程 ,通过采取制定材料供应的各种管理制度、科学地安排和组织、完善帐物一致、物流明晰的基础数据等一系列具体措施 ,清理了家底 ,增加了流动资金 ,提高了管理水平 ,为进入 ERP管理系统、开发供应链物流管理系统奠定了基
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