The key to resolve this problems is improv- ing the system of trademark monopoly rights and determining unfair competition to rush registration and founding strict review system for trademark registration.
China s Trademark Law amended in 1993 has prescribed the system of trademark registration.
1993年修正的我国《商标法》虽然对商标注册制度做了规定 ,但在商标注册申请人、商标的构成要素、用作商标的标志、保护在先权、优先权、禁止恶意注册他人的商标和司法审查等方面与《巴黎公约》、《马德里协定》和《TRIPS协议》的要求尚有一定的差距。
Recent years witness increasing cases concerning trademark infringement crimes,but our penal code and relevant judicial interpretations lack definite applicable regulations,it leads different criteria of judgment for "knowingly","the same commodity","the same trademark" when deciding what behavior constitutes crime of counterfeiting registered trademark.
Since China adopts the registered principle,the protect for the unregistered trademarks is proved to be a weak point in China.
Crime against registered trademark is a comparatively outstanding problem in contemporary China s social economic practice.
A Discussion of Legal Protection of Unregistered Trademarks;
Protection of unregistered trademarks is the need of consumers interests,social justice and public order.
Protection for the Senior User's Non-well-known Unregistered Trademark-Comments on the 3rd Amendment to the Trademark Law of the P.R.China
Now when in China the protection level of registered trademarks is almost equal to the level in oth- er states ,unregistered trademarks should protect efficiently and rationally by improving and amending th.
Since China adopts the registered principle,the protect for the unregistered trademarks is proved to be a weak point in China.
The Trade Marks Registry is a registry of original registration in respect of both goods and services.
then the registration is approved and a trademark registration certificate is issued.
trademark registration is more complicated.
Chapter II. Application for Trademark Registration
第二章 商标注册的申请
The Trade Marks Registry is responsible for the registration of trade marks in respect of goods and services.
Article 3. A registered trademark means a trademark that has been approved and registered by the Trademark Office. The trademark registrant shall enjoy an exclusive right to use the trademark, which shall be protected by law.
第三条 经商标局核准注册的商标为注册商标,商标注册人享有商标专用权,受法律保护。
"A registered trademark means a trademark that has Been approved and registered by the Trademark Office. The trademark registrant shall enjoy an exclusive right to use the trademark, which shall be protected by law."
"holder"means the person whom the register of marks shows as the holder of the registration;
The registered trade mark of the products is... Brand.
Where a registered trademark is used, it shall carry the indication of "Registered Trademark" or a sign indicating that it is registered.
A certificate of registration shall be issued for each trademark approved for registration.
On the Legal Protection of the Unregistered Trademarks under the Principle of the Register;
(1) where the trademark is falsely represented as registered;
visually perceptible [trade mark]
And trademark right can be renewed .
infringing material
How long will the registered trade-mark remain valid?
Protection of the Exclusive Rights to Use Registered Trademarks
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