Ultrasound biomicroscopy in intermediate uveitis;
As a kind of financial innovation, the intermediate business breaks the dermarcation line of the traditional business of commercial bank which makes the commercial bank of our country look for the new economic field beyond traditional asset-liabilities business and bring a huge non-interest income, it is a kind of strategic choice to develop theinter mediate business for the commercial bank.
The paper introduces the structural composition,intermediate driving technology,hydraulic belt-coiling technology and new belt-storage technology of the gate oversize extensible belt conveyor currently used in China.
Research on Hydraulic Simulation of Tundish Gas Curtain for No.2 CCM at Meigang;
Physical and Mathematical Study on Flow Control Device of Tundish for 5-Strand billet Casting at Chongqing Steel;
Numerical simulation of optimization of flow control devices in four-strand T type tundish;
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