He expounds and proves the moral rationality of constructing the two justice principles according to the basic fact of social cooperation system by the primitive hypothesis and the design of innocence.
Basis of sound and lasting social cooperation:distributive justice——Thinking about the debate on Rawls′s theory of justice
This paper discusses four issues--personnel-based details, wide social cooperation, system reform of forestry and conformity of varied forestry forms--by means of scientific development viewpoint.
In the dynamic course of the formation, existence and development of rights, the realization of rights can resolve some social conflicts and cause some social cooperation, and therefore social order is formed, maintained and develops.
在权利产生、存在与发展的动态过程中,权利的实现能吸纳或者消解相当一部分社会冲突, 促成一系列社会合作,使社会秩序得以形成、维系并协调发展。
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