The inadequacies of the existing role economies system have beenanalyzed through looking back and commenting on the development history of economy in Naming, it has been put forward that the manufacturing industry should becontrolled, modified and raised to walk on the road of linking industry chains and ofcombining with the market.
Multi-Agent Based Simulation of economies has gradually become a new modeling approach supplementing the traditional mathematical model of economies due to the distinctive performance in modeling of the complex properties of economic system.
Construction of main body Dongxing Road Station on Jinbin soft track;
Talk about identifying of administrative main body of enforcing the law from 2 water cases;
The reasonable choice and establishment of innovative main body in the National Innovation System;
Discussion on How to Exert Students Effect as Subject in Pathology Teaching;
Design of object and subject-based and decision making-oriented information management systems;
On Perfecting the System of Public Participation——The Role of Urban Community Organization as a Subject in Urban Planning;
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