The characteristics of electric power consumption structure of Shanxi electric power market in 2000 and the influences of economic structure adjustment on Shanxi electric power market in the several future years are discussed.
论述了山西省 2 0 0 0年电力市场用电结构特点及经济结构调整政策对其未来几年电力市场的影响。
And this paper points out that Shanxi must grasp the good opportunity of western development to make good job in economic structure adjustment, give play to its strong points and work hard for realizing common prosperity of the west China and the central China.
指出山西省必须抓住西部开发的良好机遇 ,搞好经济结构调整 ,发挥优势 ,力争实现中西部的共同繁荣。
Chinese adjustment of economic structure speeds up the reconstruction of labor relations.
Strategic adjustment of economic structure not only provides new develop opportunities but also raises new demand for adult education.
另一方面 ,成人教育必须适应经济结构调整的要求。
Basic ways to realize development include promoting adjustment of economic structure, changing means of economic increase, enlarging national demand.
在分析发展观的客观必然性的基础上 ,论述了实现发展观的基本途径是推进经济结构调整、转变经济增长方式和坚持以扩大内需为主的方针。
Master and apply energy saving and emission reduction policy to push forward enterprises' economic restructuring
The force should come from enterprises in the economic restructuring, enterprises should in the main position.
Technological innovation is the basis of economic restructuring, and scientific development provides the conditions for the upgrading and optimizing of industrial structures.
科技创新是经济结构调整的基础 ,科学技术的发展为产业结构的优化升级创造了条件 ,特别是凝聚高新技术的新产品 ,对产业结构的调整具有很强的导向作用。
Control of overall volume and economic restructuring
Money Supply, Economic Structure and Financial Aggregate Adjustment;
Total coal production control and mining technological structure adjustment;
Adjusting the Structure of the Ownership System and Improving the Quality of Economic Development;
调整所有制结构 提高经济增长质量
On the Controlling Power of State-Owned Economy and Strategic Adjustment About the State-Owned Economy
Thirdly, a general control of the total income of medical institutions will be conducted, and its structure will be adjusted.
Russian economic structural readjustment trend and restraining factors
Economic Development, Industrial Restructuring and Scale Regulation of Urban Construction Land: The Case of Maanshan City;
The Choice for the Tax Structure Matching with the Economic Structure;
Research on Adjustment of Ownership Structure and Development of Non-state-owned Economy;
Toward Financial Development,Restructuring of Ownership, and Economic Growth of China;
Market Mechanism and Adjustment of Economic and Social Structurein Liangshi Yao Village;
The Value of Market System and Its Economic Structure Adjust;
On Chongqing s State-owned Economic Reform and Ownership Structure Readjustment;
Industrial Structure Adjustment, System Evolvement and Regional Economic Growth;
On Mutual Effect Mechanism of Knowledge Economy and Industrial Structure Adjustment;
The Ownership Structure Adjustment and Measures for Non-state Economic Development in Liaoning Province
Regulation and Analysis on Population Quantity and Structure of the Fifth Census;
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