A valid Timeline shape is not present on the active page.
A valid milestone shape is not present on the active page.
No Gantt Chart or Timeline shapes are present on the active page.
Called when the current page is no longer the active page. Perform data validation here.
Display a monthly calendar and link to 4 additional Event pages.
From the RCS Status Page, you may perform the following controlling activities:
在 RCS 状态页,可以执行下列控制活动:
From the AP Status Page, you may perform the following controlling activities:
从 AP 状态页,可以执行下列控制活动:
From the DS1 Status Page, you may perform the following controlling activities:
从 DS1 状态页,可以执行下列控制活动:
Use this page to select users and groups from active directory.
You can download the pictures and worksheet at the bottom of the page.
"Log or alert has active property page. Close the property page before starting the log or alert.
"Log or alert has active property page. Close the property page before stopping the log or alert.
"Log or alert has active property page. Close the property page before deleting the log or alert.
Use this page to change the components that are active on each server.
Update the database records that are linked to shapes on the active drawing page.
Print Preview Button\\015\\015Prints the active workbook according to the current page setup and print settings.
Use this page to view a log of crawling activity for this server.
Make sure you get into the open a Web browser control activities!
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