The configure of TPS system,operation limits and overstep control system are addressed in detail.
The application of override control to maintain a safe desalter operation and control flow were described.
00 Mt/a蒸馏装置电脱盐-初馏塔工序的安全要求,分析了电脱盐罐压力过大可能导致的异常工况,介绍了利用超驰控制确保电脱盐罐的安全运行的原理和控制流程。
The override control strategy for feedwater is proposed in order to compensate the deficiency of conventional control strategy under some special conditions.
The operating safety is one of the most important factors when the automatic control system is designed, and override control is effective measure pledging the equipment safety operating.
运行安全是自动控制系统设计时必须考虑的因素之一 ,而超驰控制则是保证设备安全的有效措施 ,为此 ,介绍超驰控制在自动调节系统中的作用、功能、应用实例 ,并建议在系统设计阶段把可以预见的异常工况纳入超驰控制之下 ,使系统和设备的安全有比较可靠的保
At first, this paper analyzes the hardware module of the high speed security chip "Ultra Speed 16 securities chips", based on the requirements of RSA algorithm security product, proposed the safety control policy embedded in the chip interior .
This scheme depends on its requirement,variable-ratio control is used for feedstock flux,the select control combining cascade control for liquid level,the fuzzy control for temperature,the overriding control for pressure and the indirect control for components respectively.
The design scheme of overriding control on regenerator pressure and the differential pressure between reactor,and the branch control with stack gas energy recovery machine train are described.
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