On Driving Relation of Improving Human Capital for Reservoir Immigrant Entrepreneurship;
Observation on protective effects of traditional Chinese medicine Cudong capsule(促动胶囊) on intestinal(barrier) in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome;
Given the requirement of precision in installing the infrastructure,actuators and active spherical reflector,which is made up of aluminum boards,the author puts forth a scheme for positioning in installation.
根据射电望远镜安装背架、促动器及主动反射面铝板的精度要求 ,提出了安装定位的测量方案 ;通过对射电望远镜模拟装置的安装定位及模拟运行的性态检测 ,说明了其有效性 ,证明了该方案作业简便 ,精度较高 ,成果可靠 。
The prototype with two actuators for the control system has been accomplished and experimented with.
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