With review of experience on design for cargo ship s fireproofing insulation,this article introduces various levels of fireproof insulation by regulation,points out the regulation requirement that should be fulfill when designing fireproof insulation for cargo ship with IC method.
In the paper, the insulation protection design of live working robot for 10 kV distribution power systems is introduced.
介绍了一种适用于10 kV配电系统的高压带电作业机器人系统的绝缘防护设计问题。
The paper describes the problems that should be paid attention to in the implementation of insulation protection for substations and the prospect of applying this material to substation.
叙述了新型热缩材料的概念及种类、性能特点以及应用情况 ,提出了变电站实施绝缘防护应注意的问题 ,分析了今后应用前景 ,指出选用高质量的热缩材料将能明显提高变电站的绝缘防护水平。
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