Therefore, if they want to improve their maths, they should develop their maths Generalization ability first.
Creative thinking is based on are s cognitive ability and analytic ability.
A very important link to enhance it is to purify and summarize the norm of professional ethics which adheres to the cardinal principle of collectivism.
During design teaching, it is important in class to express clearly the relationships between sketch and change,concentration and summary, and notice both the colour of the design,and the structure of it.
Generalization,overgeneralization and negative transfer in English learning;
This article demonstrates the use of non-deductive method, one of the methods of thought about the scientific theory of institution in dialectics of nature, in the practice of singing by studying its three-part-analysis and synthesis, induction and generalization, analogy and association.
The generalization is performed in two steps,the first is the QI-gener- alization,.
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