Temperature measurements at the canopy gap of a secondary forest were conducted in Xishuangbanna,Yunnan in dry season.
利用西双版纳干季 ( 1 2月、4月 )次生林林窗的温度观测资料 ,探讨了睛天林窗 4方位的气温的空气变化特征。
We collected fruits from five individual trees of Ficus altissima in both rainy and dry seasons in Xishuangbanna,Yunnan.
小蜂群落的结构和组成在干、湿两季有着明显的差异 :湿季隐头果内的小蜂种类比干季丰富。
langbianensis were measured with Licor-6400 in dry season,and the relationship among the photosynthetic physiological factors and the ecological factors were analyzed.
采用L icor-6400型便携式光合测定仪测定了思茅松干季的光合作用日变化及光响应特征,分析了光合生理与生态因子之间的相互关系。
The spring drought pattern in shallow-mountain agricultural area in East Qinghai from 1980 to 2002 is analyzed by using dry-soil depths data of 10 meteorological stations.
Based on observation data in the fog-cool and dry-hot seasons, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of air temperature and trunk surface temperature of tropical seasonal rainforest in Xishuangbanna were studied.
该文利用西双版纳雾凉季和干热季的气温和树表温观测资料 ,通过实测、对比方法 ,探讨了热带季雨林平均气温及其树表温的时空分布特征 。
By using wavelet analysis and power spectrums with the variation of subtropical high ridge in summer were revealed and the relationship between the subtropical high ridge and summer drought in Fujian Province was analyzed.
Summer drought is frequenta,nd occurred mainly with slight drough.
EOS/MODIS-Based Spring Drought Monitoring Model for Qinghai Province;
Compare research of the regional arid characteristic base on Palmer drought severity index in spring over China;
Size distribution of dust aerosol particles in semi-arid region in spring
The drought periods under these conditions tend to be more injurious to the trees.
Drought was most serious in the west and the northwest of Shandong and most serious in spring and summer.
鲁北、鲁西北为旱灾高发地区,胶东地区受灾相对较轻。 春夏两季是干旱最严重的季节。
Analysis of spatio-temporal characteristic on seasonal drought of spring maize based on crop water deficit index
Effect of Seeding Time on Growth and Yield of Spring Maize in Seasonal Arid Region
Observational Study on Aerosol Absorption Properties in Winter and Spring in Semiarid Area
For good measure, during the spring and summer drought, heat, hail, grasshoppers, and other frustrations might await the weary growers.
Application of Y Drought Index in Spring Drought Monitoring in East Hebei Province
Characteristic analysis of prolonged drought turning to rain in Inner Mongolia in spring 2006
The soil steadily dries out until the onset of the autumn rains.
Effects of Winter Storage Irrigation Combined with Production Techniques of Water Sitting on Seedling Emergence Rate and Yield of Spring Wheat in Hexi Arid Area
During the dry season, the shallow lakes are reduced to stretches of baked mud.
在干旱的季节里 浅水的湖都变成了干旱的泥地
Climate Warming of Autumn Air Temperature in Arid and Semiarid Regions in Northwest China over the Recent 46 Years
The drought began with that dry and hot summer.
Simulation System for Apple Scab Epidemic in Spring on Arid Plateau of Weibei
Some places had a serious drought this sping.
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