Study on Simulation Model of Interferogram Sampling and Data Processing;
InSAR Interferogram Filtering Using Wavelet-Domain Hidden Markov Tree Model;
Processing of Interferogram Symmetrization in Optical Fiber Fourier Spectrometer;
The digital image methods which are used to process interferograms are introduced, especially the Hilditch thinning algorithm is discussed.
介绍了对全息干涉图像的数字图像处理方法,重点讨论了Hilditch 细化算法,处理结果较完整地保留了原始条纹的特征,为干涉条纹的自动定量分析提供了基
Based on the noise in the complex interferograms satisfying an additive noise model,a noise reduction scheme using wavelet packet soft thresholding method to respectively remove the noise in the real and imaginary part of the complex interferograms is proposed.
The interference patterns of the uniaxial optical axis are explained by the mathematical tool and a simple experimental setup.
In interferometry, the interesting information is mostly concerned with cross-correlation function (CCF), which will generate the modulation of interference patterns.
由 Fresnel衍射理论出发 ,运用 Collins公式 ,分析了分波前干涉法中空间互相关函数的传递性质 ,得到了用光线矩阵元表示的空间互相关函数传输公式 ,并以此对迈克耳逊干涉仪和横向剪切干涉仪中的干涉图强度分布进行了分
This paper elaborates how to apply genetic algorithms to calculate the binarization threshold value of the moire image.
In order to align the distortion caused by the jitter of push-broom flat,the Fourier-Mellin algorithm is proposed to recover the interference image of a large aperture static interference imaging spectrometer.
Secondly based on requirement of interference image, the interference image processing system is developed by the mixing programme with VB and MATLAB, which has many the features such as compact structure, reliability, various functions, friendly interface and easy use.
Results and Conclusion\ The number of beams is increasing in geometric series when the light propagates in the two layer system, and it is necessary for study of the interference pattern of the system and for further .
结果与结论 光在该系统中的多次反射与透射 ,光束的数目成几何级数增加 ,为研究该系统的干涉图样并进一步研究法布里—珀罗干涉仪打下基
Young’s two slits interference of discrete double light source is numerically simulated,and the curve of visibility, curve of light distribution and interference pattern are solved with different type of line and line width.
Young experiment of discrete double-lined spectrum is simulated by the way of Matlab in order to study how the type or width affects interference pattern.
Analysis and application of strainght interference fringe of Michelson interferometer
Phase Unwrapping of Interferogram with Obscurations in Phase-Shifting Interferometry
The mathematical expressions and interferogram calculation procedures are presented.
A single shearing interferogram is not sufficient to describe a wavefront.
Study and comparison of the fringe phase demodulation algorithms
Digital Processing of Holographic Interferometry Image in Mass Transfer;
LASIS' Hyperspectral Interference Imagy Compression Methods Research
Optimal integration-based adaptive direction filter for InSAR interferogram
An improved Goldstein radar interferogram filter
A New Adaptive InSAR Interferogram Filter Based on SNR
Spectrum Matching for Determining the Threshold of Interferogram Compression
Interferogram Generation Based on Real Airborne UWB SAR Images
机载重航过UWB InSAR干涉图生成
Preprocess method for speckle interference image based on spin filtering
Interpretation of Passive Remote Sensing FTIR Spectra Based on Interferogram
The Consistency of the Dark Stripe Equation in Thomas Young s Tow-Slit Experiment and the Actual Interference Diagram;
A hologram is a sheet of photographic emulsion on which an interference pattern that can produce a three-dimensional image had been recorded
a hologram is a sheet of photographic emulsion on which an interference pattern that can produce a three-dimensional image has Been recorded.
Computer Image-processing Techniques used in Automatic and Real-time Ana- lysis of Interferogram
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