This paper analyses the occorrence times, suffering area, economic loss of forest fire in Jiangxi Province and its combustible conditions, sources conditions and fire-danger weather.
After extensively collecting meteorological data and forest fire data, the changes ofweather index which are closely correlated with forest fires during 1961~2005, the changes offorest fire weather indexes during 1972~2005 and the changes of fire regime during1980~2006 have been studied.
本文在详尽地收集了内蒙古大兴安岭林区气象数据和森林火灾数据的基础上,通过对1961~2005年内蒙古大兴安岭林区与森林火灾密切相关的气象指标的年际变化、1972~2005年森林火险天气指标的年际变化和1980~2006年火状况(fire regime)的年际变化的分析,从森林火险天气和火状况两个角度研究了以气候变暖为主要特征的气候变化对该林区森林火灾的影响。
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