However, if its mechanism of salt tolerance can be degraded in freshwater or disturbed by alternating irrigation between fresh and salt water, the invasiveness of S.
作为典型的盐沼植物,入侵种互花米草(Spartina alterniflora)具有较强的耐盐性,能否以淡水或淡咸水的轮换浇灌扰乱其耐盐机制,降低其生态入侵性,进而寻求其控制对策是一个重要命题。
Effects of different irrigation water (reclaimed water, wastewater, petroleum-containing wastewater and tap water) used for 90 days on soil enzyme and soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC) from a long-term wastewater irrigation kaleyard were investigated by indoor simulation method.
Studies of Influence on Burley Tobacco s Root Development and Survival Rate by Different Watering Methods;
The problems in the cast in place beam and plate construction with large span and large area are solved by adopting secondary grouting, side feeding and step flow process.
从力学原理对多层框架结构现浇梁板施工方法及工艺进行了探讨 ,采用混凝土二次浇灌、混凝土侧下料、分段流水作业解决了大跨度、大面积现浇梁板施工中诸多弊端。
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