Discussion on index system of water storage and silt detention for soil and water conservation in gullied hilly loess region;
From previous research findings the related index of water storage and silt detention, the principle for ascertaining the amount, specific values and computational methods, application scope and condition of soil and water conservation measures are reviewed and evaluated roundly in the paper.
对以往水土保持蓄水拦沙效益计算分析研究成果中有关坡面措施的蓄水拦沙指标 ,以及与其密切相关的水保措施数量的确定原则、具体取值与计算方法、应用范围与条件等方面进行了较为全面的回顾与分析评价 ,为进一步开展水土保持蓄水拦沙效益的分析 ,建立不同类型区、不同降水条件的坡面措施蓄水拦沙指标体系提供了基础依据。
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