Testing and selection of VAV terminal units;
Describes an air conditioning system with chilled water storage, in which fan coil units and water source heat pumps are integrated as the terminal unit.
The cooling sources,and the under-floor air distribution systems with fan-powered terminal units applied in the typical office floor including the layout of the air conditioning system,the arrangement of different zones and the distribution of terminal units,etc.
This paper mainly introduces the characteristic of VAV system and types of its terminal equipment,and methods of calculating the minimum air volume.
介绍了变风量空调系统 (VAV系统 )的特点、末端装置的型式以及最小送风量的确定方法 ,指出了VAV系统的研究重点和发展前景。
Designers should emphasize the noise impact of all the devices on indoor acoustical environment while designing VAV systems from determination of the type and operating point of the fan in an air conditioning unit to selection and installation of VAV terminal devices,supply air diffusers and duct components.
This paper discusses some problems of VAV system, including conception, development and its advantages, several control strategies of VAV system,outdoor air control, terminal devices selections and VAV applied areas.
Damping leakage layer has been adopted in terminal air distributing unit of airclean system An idea of damping leakage was obtained from another train of thought by which the filtrating air,uniformizing flow and caulking leakage of terinal unit has been decoupled It can damp leakage and change airflow easily,effectively and economically It is a new idea of air distributing uni
Test study on a new type of VAV terminal device and VAV system
Terminal Units: Stability Simulation Based on MATLAB/Simulink;
Evaluation Methods and Choice Strategies of Low-temperature Heating Terminal Equipments
Install the serrated retainers at the ends of the cover.
combination of lenses at the viewing end of optical instruments.
The locking structure includes projections projecting into the slots that engage holes through the longitudinal ends.
Discussion on Test Water Equipment of Automatic Sprinkler System
Innovated Design of Terminal Capture Device in Module Redocking Mechanism
Study on the Terminal of Cold Air Distribution Systems
One Method of Realization for the Picking Robot Manipulator Positioning
A device or structure, such as a drawbridge, counterbalanced so that when one end is lowered the other is raised.
Design and application of a pressure-independent VAV terminal tontroller
Install the bolts attaching the end cap to the front fender.
In order to improve the conditions on movement of ponton and decrease the active force of bracing block, an energy absorber was installed at the end of bracing pole of floating ponton wharf.
The longitudinal ends of the blades and the slots have mating locking structure to secure the longitudinal ends to the first and second plastic blocks.
Crab travel limit switch: stops trolley before it approaches the buffer. In other direction, the crane can be moved .
door top rear view mirror
teleprinter terminal unit
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