Based on mathematic and physical meanings of the curves, the first flame time of sustaining grain was deduced as zero time of rise stage for pressure-rise velocity and the end time of flame propagation as the limit time from rise to drop.
为了定量描述大长径比固体火箭发动机点火滞后期和火焰传播过程,分析了试验压强 时间曲线和升压速率曲线,并利用数值计算对点火瞬态过程进行仿真;根据两条曲线的数学与物理意义推断主装药首次火焰时刻为升压速率上升阶段过零时刻,火焰传播结束时刻为升压速率由上升转下降的极值时刻;数值仿真结果验证了这一推断。
Based on the adiabatic approximation theory,we obtain the approximate expressions of the firing rate (FR),the probability distribution of the first fire (FPD),and the coefficient of variation (CV) of interspike interval of firing.
The first firing cycle (FFC) at cold-start is investigated in one 125 cm single cylinder air-cooled EFI engine fuelled with LPG.
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