A study on the changing values of form index andgeometrical solids of tree stem;
An organo phosphorous pesticide-monocrophos that has long persistent effect period and broad-spectrum insecticidal activity was injected into Italian poplar stem through the bored hole in basal part.
在意杨树干基部钻眼 ,注射持效期长、杀虫谱广的有机磷农药久效磷 ,经其木质部的导管、管胞输送到叶片 ,通过胃毒作用杀死意杨叶面害虫 ,效果好、持续时间长。
Based on the study on distribution law of moisture content of stem(barking)for Eucalyptus grandisxurophylla,this paper presented that the moisture content of stem(barking)for Eucalyptus grandisxurophylla could be gained by investigating the moisture content of stem at relative tree height 3/10,which would reduce work in investigating biomass of stem (barking)for Eucalyptus grandisxurophylla.
研究巨尾桉树干 (去皮 )含水率的分布规律后 ,认为巨尾桉树干 (去皮 )的含水率可以采用调查 3/1 0 H处的含水率获得 ,大大减小巨尾桉树干 (去皮 )生物量调查工作量 。
Two Trunk-damaged Diseases of Eucalyptus and the Control Methods;
Distribution of Urocerus gigas taiganus emergence holes on larch trunks;
The oviposition amount of Dictyoploca japonica on Juglans mandshurica trunk is positively related with the age of stands,breast diameter and the degree of bark crack and negatively related with the height of trees.
银杏大蚕蛾 Dictyoploca japonica Moore在胡桃楸 Juglans mandshurica树干上的产卵量与林龄、胸径及树皮开裂程度成正比 ,而与树高成反比 ;山的北坡、西坡、山下腹较东坡、南坡、山的中上腹产卵量高 ,树干的北面和西面的产卵量高于南面和东面。
Nitrate nitrogen content of stem flow of evergreen broad-leaved forest in Tiantong is determined by phenol disulfonic acid method in August 2007.
Characteristics of Precipitation Redistribution and Stemflow in Quercus acutissima Mixed Forest in Miyun, Beijing;
Characteristcs of Precipitation and Plantation and the Stemflow of Constracted Forest in Qianyanzhou Experimental Station;
Characteristics of precipitation and forest stemflow of Dongling Mountainous area;
The forms of emanant and trunk are mostly used in the system of 10 kV distribute power now.
Pesticide effects on some protective enzymes and dissociative proline in willow by trunk injection;
The field bioassay of three control methods(trunk injection,foliar spraying and fog spraying) were applied to control Acantholyda posticalis at different scenic spots in Louguantai Forest Park,Shaanxi Province.
Distribution of imidacloprid in walnut tissues after trunk injection was examined by high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC).
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