It has been shown that the parent phase has indeed aggregate areas the composition of which is just the same as the precipitated phase in precipitations, and the temperature of spinodal decompositions is much lower than that of precipitations.
Cause and countermeasure of agglomeration in meal treatment;
Technology and practice of soybean meal low temperature desolventizing;
The advantages and disadvantages of two methods of soybean meal low temperature desolventizing were analyzed.
The technology,process parameters and operating point of soybean meal low temperature desolventizing with screw-scraper desolventizer were introduced,which could refer to practice.
介绍了通过螺旋刮板脱溶机对大豆粕进行低温脱溶的工艺流程、工艺参数以及操作要点 ,以期为实际生产提供参考。
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