BasedonShanghaiMetroLine No9Project,design schemes for fire hydrant system,automatic sprinkler system,water source of fire control,pipe network of fire control,supervision of fire control etc of the vehicle section and base are introduced.
Research purposes: This paper researches the hydrant system design of mountain tunnel in severe cold area and gives solution on antifreezing measures of fire-fighting pipe.
The paper analyzes the common faults of the fire prevention facilities in the respect of the indoor hydrant system and analyzes the reasons for these faults from two respects,the quality of the construction team and the quality of the tubular products and equipment.
In addition to these, the paper introduces the reliability model of water supply system, and gived the prediction of it; it analyzed the impact of the different devices and water supply system ways on domestic water system, hydrant system and automatic sprinkler system.
This paper introduces some situations of the reconstruction and expansion air traffic control project of Taiyuan Wuxu Air Port, which include the indoor hydrant system, pre-action auto-fire-sprinkling system, and CF3CHFCF3 gas fire extinguishing system (without piping system).
On the basis of the explanation about the water supplies and their operating principles of indoor hydrant system in high-rise civil buildings,an analysis is carried out on the individual characteristics of undivided and district fire water supplies.
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