Anti-Danger Measures in Planning and Management of Recreation Spots;
A method for analyzing the danger & harm factors on electric machinery equipment based on four factors;
Simple analysis on the relation of safety,hazard,hidden trouble and accident;
The Classification of Laser Hazard and the Interaction of Laser eye;
This article mainly introduces the method of Hazard and Operability Study(HAZOP).
Self-perceived Risk of HIV Infection and the Influencing Factors Among Undergraduates;
Expression of CD117, CD34 and Ki-67 in gastrointestinal stromal tumors and its correlation with clinicopathological features and risk rank of GISTs;
By using the risk factor assessment method of Dow Chemical Company, US, the risk assessment for MTBE equipment was carried out quantitatively.
本文运用美国道化学公司危险指数评价法对MTBE装置进行定量化的安全评价 ,说明装置建成后 ,其固有的危险便客观存在 ,由于设计时采用了一些安全措施 ,起到了安全补偿作用 ,使实际的危险程度达到可接受的范围 ;同时通过评价 ,识别导致事故的危险因素 ,完善安全措施 ,可以进一步降低装置的风险度。
Discussion on regulating the construction of dangerous goods terminals in inland waters;
This essay explains the relating regulations of the maritime Code of the People s Republic of China on the carriage of dangerous goods and on the difference of the two paragraphs under Article 68, based on which some revising suggesti.
本文简要论述在我国《海商法》下对运输危险货物的规定 ,特别是第 6 8条以及该条下两款的差别。
Application of hazard analysis critical control point in dangerous goods warehouse management;
Study on DNA damage by air pollutants in transport station of chemical dangerous goods;
The risk analysis method and application of dangerous goods transportation;
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