The species juxtaposition and species region methods were used in the anslyses of small scale pattern in subalpine meadow on the Wutai Mountains at 2400~2800 m.
The relations of adjoined properties are based on the property relations among owners of adjoined houses.
A 1023 bp sequence called ctgl6 was produced out of these ABC transporter homologs by contig assembly and proved to share great simi.
通过抑制消减杂交、cDNA芯片技术和DNA测序,从木质素降解模式真菌黄孢原毛平革菌(Phanerochaete chrysosporium)中克隆到一批与次生代谢相关的EST,本论文工作将部分序列经BLASTX分析,发现一类重要的ABC转运蛋白(ATP Binding Cassette transporter)同源序列,经过毗连群分析将这些cDNA装配得到一条长1023 bp的ctg16序列,进一步的BLASTX发现ctg16与ABC转运蛋白的核酸结合结构域(NBD)高度同源。
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