The relationship study of average and statistical dispersion illustrates Marxist unity of opposites as well as contingency and necessity of contradiction applied in statistics.
The important role of calculating average during the course of test paper analysis is explored in this article.
Based on this the authors expand the concept of average.
Standard expression of statistical analysis of significant difference between mean values in figures and tables;
The paper tells the differnce between the calculation scope and the caliber of statistics indexes, the distinction between average index and strength opposite index, the categorizing of statistics index, selection of arithmetic average number and harmonic average number when average number is calculated using opposite number or average number, these problems usually puzzle students.
We can classify them to the family of power mean.
On Choice of Weight in Computing Averages from Comparative Measurement;
To reflect the General level of social economic phenomenon, We often adopt various averages in statistics, such as arithmetic averages, mediate averages, modes and middling averages, using artithmetic averages and mediate averages can explain exactly the central tendenly of social economic phenomenon.
The expressions of the LS transform of the expected number of departures during the time interval (0, t) are obtained.
But behind these high average numbers,there in fact exist very prominent and increasingly bigger income gaps in the whole province,especially between the cities and the villages,or among themselves.
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