22 Cases of Acute Alcoholism Rescue Clinical Nursing Experience;
Rescue Measurement of Newborn Heavy Asphyxiation;
Rescue and Nursing of 19 Neonates with Succeeded DIC;
Elementary Introduction of Salvage and Nurse to Heart Sudden Pause;
Salvage Realize of Take Orally Aopp 58 Cases;
Salvage of the water-soaked books in the China Ethnic Library;
Objective To summarize the emergency treatment for 78 cases of acute organophorus pesticide poisoning so as to raise the successful rate of emergency treatment.
By analyzing the emergency treatment of thymopolypeptides allergic reaction,some proposals for prevention and treatment are put forward.
Ledocaine shows important effect in clinical emergency treatment.
利多卡因在临床急救过程中起重要作用,但剂量不足或过量都会影响临床抢救效率,通过2 0 0 3年1月~2 0 0 4年12月对19例急救病人抢救时的用量观察对照,治疗组利多卡因用量30 0mg配合其它抢救药品及措施抢救病人获得成功。
Saving dying old ginkgo trees by using a group of young root stocks;
Objectives To demonstrate a few problems occurring during the course of saving patients who suffered from organic phosphorus pesticide poisoning (OIP), and to provide reference for clinic diagnosis, treatment, nursing and reduction of the death rate.
However, what should we do to save the endangered languages and what are the adverse effects at the time of saving a language and culture? This paper makes a tentative effort to discuss the adverse consequences and what effort we should contribute to the saving of endangered languages and cultures.
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