There is some evidence for the value of cognitive- behavioral treatments for anger problems with male juvenile delinquents.
A tentative study of the causes and prevention of the juvenile delinquency;
On the community prevention of juvenile delinquency;
Psychological Study towards Influence form Media Violence on Juvenile Delinquency;
Logistic Regression of the Influence of Personality,Self-control and Value on Youth Crime.;
Use the gray estimate method within gray system theories to youth crime carries on the trend estimate.
The errors in family education is an important contributing factor to juvenile crime.
The theory of differentia gives us the cut-through explanation to the juvenile crime in Macao.
A family without democracy is an important and basic factor psychologically causing the juvenile to commit crimes, therefore, to cultivate family democracy and widely construct democratic family surrounding is an effective route to prevent juvenile crimes.
因此 ,培养家庭民主 ,普遍建构民主的家庭环境就是预防青少年犯罪的一个有效途径。
Thinking about education of legal system in institutions of higher learning through adolescent crimes;
The factors which influenced adolescent crime cardinally refer to the environment of family, the structure of family and the function of family.
The thesis draws a conclusion on the methods of precautions and punishments,and we should take the experience of western countries for reference after comparing the studies of adolescent crime domestic and abroad.
在我国研究青少年犯罪问题应采取预防和治理相结合对策 ,应引进西方国家已有的成功经验 ,如引进美国的“身份罪” ;在青少年犯罪概念中增加不良行为 ;设立专门的青少年法院等。
it is our duty-bound responsibility to reduce and contain teenagers crime.
In order to achieve the goal of preventing teenagers crime, the function of home education should be strengthened, the environment of the school should be optimized.
This,not only ignores the speciality of teenagers crime,but also violates the concerned regulations about teenagers crime.
中国现行的青少年前科终身保留制度 ,使有前科之青少年不可避免地终身受歧视 ,这不仅忽略了青少年犯罪的特殊性 ,而且违背了青少年法的宗旨及有关规定。
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