The negative effects of information overabundance;
On the basis of information science,a statistical analysi s of context correlation of codons in mRNA and amino acid sequences is made,which code correspondingly the secondary structure of 117 Human proteins and that of 185 Ecoli proteins,and the context-correlated remnant information of codons (amino-acid) in the secondary structure is calculated.
This paper,by comparison of translations of Jane Eyre by Zhu Qing-ying and by Huang Yuan-shen,is intended to demonstrate the application of the superfluous information theory to addition and deletion of words in translation.
Application of the Superfluous Information Theory to Translation --Comment on the translations of Jane Eyre by Zhu Qing-ying and by Huan Yuan-shen
The Study of Corporation s Residual Claim under the Condition of Asymmetric Information;
Research on the Management Information Systems of the transformation of the Surplus Labor force in the Countryside;
On managing information-system for files of surplus labor force;
Steganalysis for stegotext based on text redundancy
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On Consumer Surplus and Consumer Behavior against the Asymmetric Information in the Market of Agricultural Products;
Speeding up the Informationization in the West of China and Promoting the Transformation of the Surplus labor There;
Book Value, Residual Income and Market Valuation: An Empirical Research on Value-Relevance of Accounting Information;
Research on Residual Life Prediction Model Based on Bridge Remote Monitoring Information
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Interest accrued from the money left in my saving account.
Interest accrued from the money leave In my saving account
An Empirical Analysis of the Transfer of Rural Surplus Labor in Xifeng County;
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Refraction First-Break Automatic Residual Static Corrections by Using Difference Method for the Seismic Wave Signals;
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