In some cases, schools will provide you with a formal training class and you will receive a certificate.
bestow honors and prizes at graduation.
The Certification Authority Certificate Templates extension allows you to select the types of certificates to issue when using the Enterprise Policy Module.
To issue a license or certificate to.
The university issues certificates in journalism.
My university handed out 300 diplomas today.
"The Certification Authority Policy Settings extension allows you to select the types of certificates to issue when using the Enterprise Policy Module.
Both College Board and GMU AP Summer Institute.
"Cannot write the Certification Authority certificate to file
Cannot write the Certification Authority certificate to file "%1":
无法将证书颁发机构证书写入文件 "%1":
"Taking-Over Certificate"means a certificate issued pursuant to Clause 81."
Issued certificate log and pending certificate request queue
"Add a Certificate Template to the list of Certificate Templates issued by this Certification Authority
The Certification Authority snap-in allows you to configure the Certification Authority and manage certificates.
"Certificates that are issued by the certification authorities or any lower level certification authorities will no longer be trusted. Do you want to delete the certificate(s)?
A Certificate of Achievement will be presented at the completion of the course, provided the student meets the attendance requirement.
"Signing certificate's starting or ending time is outside one of its issuer's starting or ending time.
a college that offers only the first two years terminating in an associate degree.
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