Spray tip penetration,breakup length and spray cone angle of diesel oil containing dissolved propane versus time under different backpressures were obtained.
The spray cone angle of each nozzle were measured by the digital camera and computer photo processing.
By means of rounded testing of R0110 injector group, fuel-supplying performances, spray cone angle changing characters, droplet size and its distributions law have been obtained.
The results show that,at the same ambient pressure and nozzle hole diameter,the spray angle increases and spray tip penetration decreases with the increase of DMM fraction in the blends.
The tests include: the fuel flow characteristic of the injector was investigated,the spray angle was measured by digital camera and computer photo processing,and the spray particle size(SMD) and size distribution were determined by the Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer(PDPA) and Laser Doppler Velocimeter(LDV).
The influence of spray angle on the combustion process and form.
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