Comparison of taxonomic classification between Udic Luvisol and Udic Camisol;
Reference SPR (Surface Plasmon Resonance) biosensor is a new sensor which can monitor reference and reaction spots in a single flow cell at same time.
At present, the central soil classifications in international level are soil taxonomy(ST) and world soil resources reference base(WRB), and in national level are Soil Generation Classification(CSGC) and Chinese Soil Taxonomy(CST).
Design and stability of reference electrode in direct methanol fuel cell;
The improvement of graphite reference electrode in gaseous phase;
Behavior of silver-silver sulfate reference electrode and its application;
The enrichment factors between different reference elements(Al,Fe,Ti) are distinct.
结果表明,C a、C r、Co、N i、Cu、Zn、B r、Pb是广泛富集的元素;地区间元素污染级别差异显著;相对于不同参比元素(A l、F e、T i)的富集因子明显不同。
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