Then avoid the surge vibration of the major axis manufacture.
In the light of the causes of the fracture of major axis of reclaimer's guide-wheel group, some corresponding improving measures have been adopted, the fracture of the major axis being avoided, and the good results being obtained.
To the problem that image needs to be normalized automatically and the normalization results be valid and reasonable for feature extraction in ear recognition,a method is proposed to normalize the images to a certain size and direction according to the long axis of the earlap.
The longest axis end-point discrimination based on the least deviation interpolation method was introduced.
Way to alleviate vibration of slender shaft during turning;
The analysis of machining error on slender shafts;
Several Measures of Precision Turning of Slender shafts;
processing method of the thin major axis spare parts;
The paper analyses the elements that inflences the processing precision of thin major axis on the base of its structure characteristics.
从细长轴的结构特点出发 ,分析了影响细长轴加工精度的因素 ,并针对产生误差的根源 ,从改变加工方式、工装结构和刀具参数等方面着手 ,提出了相应的解决措
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