The single cylinder misfire can be also done by the frequency spectrum analysis of rotating speed fluctuation at both low and high speeds,but it can not be determined which cylinder is misfired.
The validity of simulating results is tested by single cylinder engine test,and the reasonable plan of adjusted parameters is also pointed out.
通过单缸机试验 ,验证了模拟计算结果 ,指出参数调整方案是可行
The article states the necessary about the reseach of lowduty single cylinder testing engine and introduce the common principle by combining with the design of DS single cylinder testing engine.
阐述了单缸试验机开发的必要性 ,并结合DS单缸试验机的设计 ,介绍了设计的一般准则 ;通过实践 ,进一步证明 :单缸试验机是内燃机工程师开发新机型和对现有产品的性能和结构参数进行改造的主要工
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