Questions in terms of fire damper installation in current codes;
Selection of fire dampers in high-rise buildings;
Temperature-dependent fuse is one of the important parts in (smoke) fire dampers, and the fusible alloy is the key element of the fuse.
温度熔断器是(排烟 )防火阀中的重要部件之一 ,而其中的易熔片又是熔断器的关键元件。
This paper introduces the selection of the fire valve for the ventilation system of underground garage, pressure air supply and passage gas exhausting system and the air conditioning system, and points out the important position of the fire valve in the fire-extinguishing works of the high-rising building.
This paper introduces the selection of the fire valves for the ventilation system of the underground garage,the ventilation system of the rooms in need of the gaseous fire units,the air-supply system and smoke-exhaust system and the air-conditioning system.
The paper discusses some common problems in the engineering design of the classification of air-conditioner system and smoke ventilation system as well as the set up of the fire valve.
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