The kinetics of mineral with global environment;
There is a dialectic relationship of contradiction and identity between the traditional idea of sovereignty and the worsening global environmental crisis.
Global Change Science plays a significant role in studying and understanding the mechanism and evolution of Earth system that human being live on, and the human activities effect on the surface Earth environment system.
从深海氧同位素曲线的建立与米兰科维奇理论的发展、高分辨率冰芯记录的研究、短周期气候变化、突变事件的发现、南北半球古气候对比的研究以及我国学者对过去全球变化研究的贡献等角度论述了地球环境变化历史的研究进展 ;并在对温室效应和全球气候变暖、臭氧洞、土地利用和土地覆盖的变化以及水资源等研究和现代观测资料分析的基础上 ,阐述了人类活动对地球环境的影响 ;提出了当前全球变化科学研究的发展趋势以及在新世纪全球变化科学所面临的挑战。
It will be an important subject in the building community to study the contribution to improving the earth environment from an angle of architecture in future.
建筑业耗资巨大 ,包括资源和能源 ,涉及面广 ,措施得当将会对改善地球环境做出贡献。
The biosphere and its interactions with other spheres play a significant role on the change of the Earth environment.
Moon environment exploration is very important to moon vehicle autonomous navigation on moon surface.
the paper introduces briefly some lunar exploration information abroad,lunar environment conditions,some environmental factors during lunar explorer design and flux simulation of vacuum thermal test for Apollo service module.
文章介绍了月球环境条件、设计月球探测器需要考虑的环境因素、以及绕月飞行的"阿波罗"服务舱(service module)真空热试验的外热流模拟情况,对中国"嫦娥一号"月球探测卫星的真空热试验提出了初步设想。
The paper is focused on introducing lunar geological structure,lunar geological morphological features and lunar environment.
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