Discussion on hospital office staff image modeling;
A Study on Job Burnout among Staff of Administrative Organs and Institutions and Influence Over Their Quality of Life
[Objective]To learn the health status of the staff in the kindergartens of Beijing, improve the health examination work and ensure the children's health in kindergartens.
Objective To enhance the infection-preventing awareness and preventive behaviors of the workers in disinfection and supply room against occupational infections.
Objective:To understand the counseling service condition of family planning workers and to discuss related influencing factors to provide suggestions for the following counseling training.
This paper discusses on the necessity of librarians accepting the continuous education for adapting the knowledge economy age,introduces the contents of the continuous education,and puts forward various forms of and measures for the continuous education.
To realize the value,the college librarians should rely on the subjective and objective conditions.
The paper describes the important significance for librarian improving their quality,with a discussion on necessary quality for librarians,then comes up with a few of concrete approaches to improve their quality.
本文阐述了新形势下图书馆工作人员提高自身素质的重要意义 ,并对图书馆工作人员应具备的素质进行了探讨 ,进而论述了提高其素质的具体方法。
Elementary Introduction to the Professional Ethics and Artistic Appreciation for the staff members in a Teachers College Library;
Discussion about the staff member's diathesis in the ground confiscate and dismantle
that the staff members of multi-media reading room should possess.
根据高校多媒体阅览室的服务功能 ,阐述了多媒体阅览室工作人员应具备计算机文化素质、信息素质、外语素质、科研素质等业务素
Range Master - Match official in charge of all range officials. Responsible for range safety and safe course design.
"Ensure that all IPSC guidelines and rules are followed and is responsible for the training, instruction and conduct of the range staff. "
Range Officer - Match official in charge of competitor action.
The range official in charge of a course of fire shall read out the written stage briefing verbatim to each squad.
Chief Range Officer - Match official with overall responsibility for one or more courses of fire.
Marshal: A course official who oversees the safe running of the race.
field staff
Crews had been working since the early hours of the morning to clear drifts from the top portion 0f the course in gusts of snow.
"Range Is Clear"- Competitor or officials shall not move forward to or away from the firing line until this declaration is given by the Range Officer. "
The game was played in front of a vociferous crowd, with a packed press box and seven TV camera crews present.
As the Olympic workforce member, he is authorized to have a Day Pass if he has a temporary function in the Olympic Competition Venues.
Officials of a table tennis tournament include an umpire, service, line umpire and scorer.
The officiating Range Master has authority over all match officials and is responsible for decisions in matters concerning conduct and discipline.
"With the prior consent of the Range Master, match officials shall have the right to modify courses of fire published or otherwise described in match literature for any reason. "
A man employed in a yard, especially a railroad yard.
"Match Officials - Depending on the size of the competition, duties and responsibilities shall be defined as follows."
Match officials may call for additional tests of a competitor's ammunition at any point during the match.
Two (2) months before departure of the Seller's technical personnel for the Job Site
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