Some good textbooks have been reprinted recently, yet some errors exist for various reasons.
目前 ,有些较好的教材 ,由于种种原因 ,不断重印 ,而其中的差错和陈旧的观点并未及时地得到纠正 ,这是不利于教学的。
This paper recorded the communication according to the facts in detail and analyzed the applications and market scale of thermo-rewrite technology in China.
The words and phrases and their relations of the passages, paragraphs and sentences in Mengzi can be analyzed with "method of double verification".
运用“双重印证法”对《孟子》的篇章、段落、语句中语词与语词之间的相互关系进行分析 ,考察《孟子》原文中所蕴涵着的单音节实词的同义关系 ,在《孟子》中显示语词同义关系共有七种不同格
This paper probes into the negative influences of the compiling mode of Chinese book-cover of the reprinted foreign language books on the readers and sale, and advances some improving measures.
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